Product Name:
Windows 98, NT, ME, 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11
Conversion - Microsoft Access 2000 or later
Access Whiz - Option A, ANETVB or Option D, ANETVC
Version Number:
Microsoft Access To VB/VC# .NET Converter for Web Applications
Operating Systems:
Required Software:
ANETVB/ANETVC is a time-saving Access to ASP .NET Web application conversion tool. It will generate VB/VC# .NET scripts/project with easy, readable code and minimize your conversion efforts and costs.
ANETVB/ANETVC converts Access to ASP .NET Web applications. It converts Access form controls including label, text box,list box, combobox, option group, check box, command button, option button, toggle button, bound object frame, image, tab,page, subform, unbound object frame, line and rectangle. It also converts in-form/module VBA code to.NET code. It allows you to select target data connection from OleDB - Jet 4.0/ACE 12.0
, OleDB - SQL Server, OleDB - Oracle, OleDB - IBM AS/400, OleDB - Sybase ASE, SqlClient - SQL Server, SqlClient - via IP Address, ODBC - {DNS}, ODBC- Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb), ODBC - SQL Server}, ODBC - MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}, ODBC - Sybase System 11, ODBC - Microsoft ODBC for Oracl}, OracleClient - Oracle11g and OracleClient - Oracle12g. The converter will generate all the code required necessary files for VS .NET. It handles single and continuous subforms.
Product Description:
MICROTOOLS, P.O. Box 2502, Santa Clara, CA 95055-2502, USA
** products and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.
ANETVB/ANETVC will convert your existing Access to ASP .NET Web applications. It also allows you to take advantage of .NET technology. If you decide to convert your Access to ASP .NET or want to learn ASP .NET then this is definitely the tool for you.
Please try the latest trial download or visit our
Access To ASP .NET UI Previewer
Single license with one year updates - $129.00 each/ As low as $50.00 boundle with other options
Trial Demo:
ASP .NET server - Windows 2000 or later, IIS, Microsoft .NET Framework and .NET SDK
for ASP .NET websites - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
The above subform was converted from an Access form by ANETVBF.